Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hands and Feet - Stolen from Eddie!

Hands and Feet
It's funny as my life group continues to press in to our relationship with God and being passionately involved in relationship with has begun to bring a by-product. Our group can't seem to get enough of going and serving people.

Last week before the cold hit one had the idea to go and take coats and blankets to the homeless: 8 people brought personal items to give. This week 7 or so of us were serving at the Mobil Food Pantry at Woodloch last night. On the 20th they are bringing food to church and plan to go after class time to pass out a holiday dinner to any homeless that they come across.

What's great is that this is not so that they can feel good about doing something...its so that they can be the hands and feet of Christ to the less fortunate, understanding that God has blessed us with so much. Last night numerous times I overheard people at the food bank asking if we worked for the food bank. Over and over again people we go to church together and wanted to help. Then they would ask what church.

Amazing opportunities to share Christ come from us drawing deeper with him and sharing our blessing with the world around us.
Posted by Eddie at Thursday, December 10, 2009

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